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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Did the New York Times Really Expect Scott Walker to Bring Up Gun Control in South Carolina?

Patrick Healy wrote on the New York Times' First Draft blog:
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, in his first visit to South Carolina since nine people died in the church shootings, chose to address the massacre by praising the people of the Charleston region for their unity rather than discussing the gun control issues or the Confederate battle flag debate that arose afterward.
First Draft bills itself as a "fast-paced and comprehensive coverage of politics and elections by The New York Times. Come back throughout the day for the latest news and analysis, and be part of the political conversation."  Walker rightly chose to talk about what everyone should take away from the shooting - that in times of tragedy, good people come together and support each other. 

It's the left and the gun ban lobby that try to take advantage of such incidents to push an agenda.

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